Friday, February 01, 2008

Media watch

Welcome to my first attempt at a new endeavor in which I detail the (start sarcasm) overwhelming amount of coverage on soccer in the mainstream media (end sarcasm). That said, let's get to it.

*Those of you who watch Sportscenter on a regular basis will note that some EPL football is making a few cameos on the program's nightly "Top 10 Plays." And I'm not talking about incredibly dazzling, only-a-non-soccer-enthusiast-could appreciate type of play. No vintage Tatu indoor soccer bicycle kicks either. Instead, they're actually very good plays that actually warrant a spot or two in Top 10 Plays.

*Speaking of soccer on ESPN, the hilarious (for non-Manchester City supporters) scene in which Middlesborough's Luton Shelton put one past Man City keeper Joe Hart amid a flurry of balloons parked near the goalmouth late in the match was actually a topic for Pardon the Interruption. Rarely, does PTI cover soccer unless 1) it bashes it (I'm talking about you, Tony Kornheiser), or 2) bashes David Beckham. You probably could have fried an egg and some bacon on Kornheiser's balding dome as he was discussing it with guest panelist JA Adande.

*The Four Nations Tournament, usually the first tournament of the calendar year for the US Women's National Team, went largely unmentioned by the mainstream media, even though Pia Sundhage's side won it all. Even though the WNT gets so little coverage (unless its girl next door keeper and manager are busy firing off verbal missiles at each other), this was the first tournament under new boss Sundhage. I couldn't find any highlights, passing mention, or even congratulation on PTI (ok, maybe I was getting ahead of myself there) nothing...except for a blurb on the ESPN Bottomline. That's it.

Meanwhile, ESPN continues to show seemingly endless episodes of the World Series of Poker. I'll take women's soccer anyday over the WSOP snoozefest.

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